The Numbers on Video Effectiveness

Most people already know that video is a highly effective tool for consumer marketing, particularly to younger audiences. What about for B2B or other settings where decisions are made by multiple people, and are based on facts and ROI vs on image?

Video is still effective in these cases, because it is still humans making the decisions. Decision-makers here may or may not be getting their information from TikTok or Instagram, but they still appreciate getting condensed information that they can review quickly, and they still respond to video’s multisensory impact. 

But don’t take my word on it – take a look at the research.

Video enhances

  • Company overviews

  • Product Launches and updates

  • Sales and technical training/increasing capacity

  • Pitches to key stakeholders such as funders

  • Employee communications

  • Social media and email marketing

  • Trade shows

  • Preservation of organizational history

Does this give you ideas of new applications for video? Let’s explore them in an informal chat! 


What belongs in a video?